Tuesday, August 7, 2007

After a Seven Month Sabbatical, KAIJU SHAKEDOWN is Back!

I'm happy to report that my friend and writing partner Grady Hendrix is back on the Asian Cinema blog game!

Bit of a change of venue for him: he no longer posts through Variety directly, but through their Asian film outlet, Variety Asia. (See? You can tell it's 'Asian' by the dragon on its logo!)

The kaijushakedown.com link at this point only takes you to the old archive, but hopefully they should have that rectified soon. In the meantime you can access it through these steps:

1) Go to http://www.varietyasiaonline.com/

2) Go to the menu bar where it says "Departments"

3) Pull that down and click on "Kaiju Shakedown"

There ya go!

Welcome back Grady!

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