My 2002 documentary short, REAL DOLL DOCTOR, on the super weird Real Dolls and the even more eccentric guy who buys them used, refurbishes them and resells them on eBay will be screening this summer at the NYC Rooftop Films Summer Series. Info here. (I will update with specific scheduling time once I have it.)
This is kind of an exciting thing for me since the film is five years old and already had some screenings way back when. It was then picked up for a five year distro by UK company Shorts International (aka. Britshorts) right after I made it. What's interesting is that after such a long hiatus the film screened fairly recently during the 2006 Hartford International Film Festival. The response was quite good to it and people keep telling me how much they like the film, which is very cool! So, the fact that it's been asked to screen at the Rooftop festival indicates that the freaky subject matter still entrances people and that there is still more to this story to tell.
REAL DOLL DOCTOR is near and dear to me because it was a short that I never really got to cut into its imagined form. Made during my first year at NYU graduate film school, I was under a 10 minute time limit which severely cut into many of my storylines and choice shots (read: really crazy stuff). For years I've been fantasizing about recutting the film for it's original 25~30 minute scripted running time but it never happened.
That said, with all of the recent interest in the film and the farther out I've gotten from the original production period the more I've been interested in visiting old Slade (the titular Real Doll 'doctor') again and seeing what he's up to. Now that I am settled in LA (the West coast where the film was shot) I am thinking of reviving those old connections to him and seeing where some more shooting will take me... So who knows? Will a longer Real Doll Doctor happen? The signs seem to indicate that it will.
For the pervs and fans of the weird out there, here's a link to Abyss Creations' Real Doll website and to Slade's "Real Doll Doctor" site. (He adopted the name after my documentary.)
Oh, and here's a long forgotten review by Eric Campos from Filmthreat.com.
Any plans on releasing this on DVD eventually? I wouldn't mind owning a copy...
Hi Davecat,
Thanks for your interest in the film! Because Shorts International took over the distro of REAL DOLL DOCTOR, I sort of stopped all work on promoting it myself-- which I'm realizing in retrospect was probably a big mistake. Anyway, I don't have a plan at the moment to release it on DVD, but if you email me directly with your snail mail address at nicholas*at*mab-pro.com, I can ship you off a copy.
There is a chance that IFC.com might put it up on their (or an affiliate's) website at some point in the fall, but the details of that have yet to be worked out.
I want to buy a inflatable doll. I need the company of a sexy real sex dolls . Where can I buy real sex doll?
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