Hi Blog,

Just a quick head's up that I'll be moderating a discussion with one of my favorite filmmakers, Shinya Tsukamoto, at the Tribeca Film Festival. He'll be in town supporting the rather badass TETSUO: THE BULLET MAN. The discussion will be happening THIS Saturday, April 24th, 2010 at the Apple Retail Store in SoHo, Manhattan. (103 Prince Street NY, NY)
Three random bits of trivia:
- If it weren't for Tsukamoto, I wouldn't be as much of a Japanese film dork as I am.
- If it weren't for Tsukamoto, I likely wouldn't have pursued filmmaking. I'd probably be making a living recycling bottles and searching the beach for loose change with a metal detector.
- The SoHo Apple Store is right next door to my old Post Office, where I had my PO BOX for 6 years. (Coincidence? Or evidence of fate's hand?)
TETSUO: THE BULLET MAN will be having its US PREMIER at the Tribeca Film Festival on these dates:
Sun, Apr 25, 9:00PMVillage East Cinema 1
Tue, Apr 27, 7:30PMVillage East Cinema 7
Fri, Apr 30, 4:30PMVillage East Cinema 7
Sat, May 01, 11:45PMVillage East Cinema
It's a new cut that he spent all fall and winter working on, as I understand it, and I believe that Nine Inch Nails was involved in the new theme music, if I'm not mistaken. (Update: I haven't been able to confirm this, but I'll likely ask about this on Saturday. Stay tuned!)

So if you're in NYC, please do stop by the discussion. It's free and frankly, this is an unusually rare opportunity to hear the master speak about his art. Both lead actor Eric Bossick and producer Masayuki Tanishima, are also slated to attend the discussion.
More info about the discussion HERE.
TETSUO screening info HERE.
awesome. wish i was in nyc. :/
Provided I can get in, I am so there for the SoHo talk. And why does the TFF premier have to be at 9pm?? The subway afterwards will be a bugger getting out of the East Village.
And did NIN really work on this soundtrack?? That would be sweet.
If you can't make it out, I've been told that Apple will be posting these discussions as podcasts at some point soon.
As for the trains, yep, it's a bitch. But it's closer than going to Tokyo to see it, I suppose! ;-)
Oh and NIN's involvement is only with the title music, I think. But I didn't see Trent's name in the credit, when I watched it the first time through -- and haven't subsequently been able to confirm it yet. Still if it is true, it's a nice bit of symmetry considering Tsukamoto's collaboration with him back in the early 1990s for an MTV Japan interstitial.
seems to be confirmed, that NIN collaboration for the film, and that it was a little late so edited in for the new cut of the film - which will be the one that was shown last week
new tsukamoto interview :
going looking for the podcasts now...
although this page is labelled as 2009, it shows podcasts relating to the previous years, so guessing it will simply be updated to include 2010's new ones
Hey logboy,
Thanks for posting the links. Last I checked, Tribeca was slow at uploading the podcasts. I hope they get it up soon...
The NIN track will make its way online soon, I'm sure...
I didn't see Trent's name in the credit, when I watched it the first time through -- and haven't subsequently been able to confirm it yet. I hope they get it up soon...
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