Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Studio 4ºC's 'GENIUS PARTY BEYOND' - World Premiere in Washington DC at the Kennedy Center!

Hi Blog,

I've known about this for a year and half but couldn't talk about it as I made a promise to the kind folks at Studio 4ºC. This is the real reason why all of you film festivals were having a hard time booking Genius Party and the sequel Genius Party Beyond (that's apparently the title of the second film!).

What I was told was that since they were asked by the Kennedy Center to bring something unique to JAPAN! CULTURE AND HYPER CULTURE (February 5-17, 2008) festivities Studio 4ºC wanted to reserve Genius Party as their special contribution. This is why NYAFF couldn't get Genius Party last year and why Fantasia couldn't either etc etc.

Start your booking now. I'm sure that once the Genius Party films have had their screening in DC they'll be available for your local film festival.

Now only if I can get to DC to see this.... (Probably not though...)

The 'Genius Parties' will be screening on February 15-16, 2008.

Info here.


Anonymous said...

well, it's a way to make a certain kind of splash.

as long as it can be licensed for the USA, i have no overriding concerns.

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